HOODS | Moritz Schmid

Two walls of different heights.

HOODS is an architectural element, which, in terms of expression, lies somewhere between a curtain and an upholstered form. When creating upholstery, the textile usually follows the form of the item. Fascinated by the characteristics of Canvas and the simple folds the textile creates from its own weight while hanging, I decided to start the other way around.

Out of the basic textile, a freestanding room divider emerges. Its contour lines are defined by a simple structure, the textile and gravity. Tailor-made oval covers composed of different colour fields of Canvas textile are draped in an informal way over board-roll structures. These walls are easy to move and position in the room. While they divide the space, the colour fields can also be seen as a background. The HOODS become a part of the space.

Moritz Schmid

Moritz Schmid在巴塞尔艺术与设计学院学习产品设计。他在Alfredo Haberli的工作室担任设计师和项目负责人。2008年,他在苏黎世创办了自己的工作室。从那以后,他在多个设计领域工作,从家具到餐具,以及为国际公司做展览设计,比如Atelier Pfister、Glas Trosch、Kvadrat和Rothlisberger Kollektion。他的一些作品被授予苏黎世设计博物馆并成为其收藏的特色。