Skin & Bones | Judith Seng

Skin & Bones explores the activity of space-making as a continuous negotiation between bodies, objects and spatial structures. Laid on the ground, a flat, apparently two-dimensional square of Canvas* – the ‘skin’ – waits to be activated by the ‘bones’: an assortment of shaped tools employed by human bodies. Together they can generate an endless variety of sculptural forms and interior spaces. Once activated, Skin & Bones unfolds like a fluid, socio-material structure that reveals the activity of space-making like three-dimensional sketching with Canvas in space.

* Canvas (noun)
1. A heavy, coarse, closely woven textile of cotton, hemp, or flax, traditionally used for tents and sails.
2. A piece of such textile on which a painting, especially an oil painting, is executed.
3. The background against which events unfold, as in a historical narrative.
4. A tent or group of tents. A circus tent.
5. Sports. The floor of a ring in which boxing or wrestling takes place.

Judith Seng

Judith Seng (德国,1974年) 一位柏林的设计师。他致力于探索拓展设计领域的可能 性,习惯于用编舞的方式来解决社会物质互动性。她设计作品的背景涵盖实际应用、日常和国际展览及学术领域。她在柏林艺术大学与人合作开发了跨学科实践基础研究项目DesignReaktor Berlin,探索城市后工业背景下的典型生产场景。 作为德国柏林艺术大学艺术与科学研究生院院士,她发起了实验生产系列“ACTING THINGS”,尝试用表演艺术元素和方法探索流程设计。 ACTING THINGS的第4版参加了迈阿密/巴塞尔设计节。第6版ACTING THINGS实验2016年开始在京都歌德学院Kamogawa别墅展出,并于2017年7月迁入京都艺术中心。Seng也是HDK (瑞典哥德堡大学设计和工艺学院) 客座教授。