Tension at Work | Martha Schwindling

Tension at Work is an experiment in construction. Textile, which – in the context of furniture – is normally used for covering structural parts, becomes the main structural element. Common plywood boards are bent into shape by loops of textile that have been wrapped around them. The result is a series of stable objects comprising two materials that wouldn’t ordinarily provide stability when used on their own.

A group of trestles and a partitioning wall are presented as examples of the application of this construction principle: exhibited together, they suggest an office environment. The trestles are stackable, easy to dismantle and can be flat-packed. The wall illustrates how even large objects can be constructed in this lightweight and collapsible manner.

Martha Schwindling

Martha Schwindling (德国,1988年)曾于Karlsruhe艺术设计大学学习产品设计。 她毕业于2014年,毕业前曾在Stefan Diez实习、在Bureau Kilian Schindler担任自由设计师,并曾在纽约视觉艺术学院的视觉与批判学系学习一个学期。 她于2011年(仍在求学期间)创立了自己的事务所,此后一直致力于为多位客户创作家具、产品、内饰和概念或从事自主创作。 Schwindling的项目植根于日常生活:她密切观察周围环境中的物品,并试图对其进行改进,以期让概念、构造和用途不言自明。 物品的合理性和特征对她来说同等重要。 她生活和工作于柏林。
