Henrik Tjærby | The Hardwearing

Curated by Søren Rose

The Spain-based Dane Henrik Tjærby, best known for his Bambu range of environmentally friendly furniture for Artek, puts a new spin on Hallingdal 65 by questioning what new uses there might be for such a durable and timeless fabric outside of the interiors industry.

Henrik Tjærby makes his point with the classic Spanish espadrille shoe. A simple construction of fabric over a jute sole, it is not moulded or glued into an ergonomic shape. Just as an armchair will gradually wear and mould to the shape of its user, so will the espadrille over time perfectly shape itself around the form of wearer’s foot. The fabric stretching and fitting like a 3D mesh, in theory this is a shoe that could last a lifetime.

Danish designer Henrik Tjærby attended the Danish Design School. After graduating, he moved to China to work as an interior designer before returning to Denmark to complete his Product Design MA. He has since worked for a number of internationally renowned studios. His design language is straightforward with nothing hidden from the consumer. As a result, his products do not have a ‘front and back’, making them graphic and distinctive.