We want to be transparent about the data and documentation we collect, in adherence with the United Nations Sustainability Development Goal 12, Responsible Consumption and Production. To achieve this, we pursue strong internal control systems which means for us to work with data ethics.

We will work proactively with regulations, aligning our products and practices with the highest international standards and certifications.


Our targets


We will align Kvadrat's corporate risk assessment with our ESG double materiality assessment to secure strong integration with Kvadrat's business strategy, targets and corporate governance by 2025 

{{ 'Labels.Kvadrat.Client.Campaign.PrevCampaignPage' | translate }}

Equal Opportunities

{{ 'Equal Opportunities' || ('Labels.Kvadrat.Client.Campaign.PrevCampaignPage' | translate) }}

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Sustainability Advocacy

{{ 'Sustainability Advocacy' || ('Labels.Kvadrat.Client.Campaign.NextCampaignPage' | translate) }}